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HH Backer Pet Show (day 1)

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The first day of the Backer Pet Show was very good. It started out a bit crazy as we were running all around the convention center trying to find out if our show sign was delivered by UPS only to discover that once again UPS failed to get it to us despite the guaranteed delivery we were given. I am really looking forward to finally getting an answer as to what happened.

The first day of the Backer Pet Show was very good.  It started out a bit crazy as we were running all around the convention center trying to find out if our show sign was delivered by UPS only to discover that once again UPS failed to get it to us despite the guaranteed delivery we were given.  I am really looking forward to finally getting an answer as to what happened.

Aside from the lack of show materials, it was very good.  The turnout is great and people are very excited about new products on the market such as our Eco Diet.  Another very exciting thing is that we spoke to a few new distributors that will improve our availability.  It looks like Steves will be more available in both Northern California and the entire east coast.  Hopefully today we will get a chance to talk with our mid-west distributor.

We round up the day at a forum with a few other raw pet food manufacturers discussing the impact that new FDA regulations could have on us.  It was agreed that raw pet food should not be put in the same category as Kellogg Corn Flakes and can not be held to the same testing regulations as to them.  Being raw meat pet food we should be regulated by the USDA not FDA.  It was very interesting discussing this with others in our category.  More to come on that.

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