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Here is some of our customer feedback:

Nana a Bully with Cancer on Raw Pet Food

“I think Nana is doing so well because she has such a healthy immune system thanks in no small part to Steve’s.  She has a sizable mass in one lung found due to an x ray for something else, but I quickly got her on two amazing supplements, one made from the herb Sweet Wormwood called Artemisinin, and the other from fermented wheat germ called AveMar for canines (really working great in the human cancer world too), and Steve’s of course, plus a couple other supps and she has no symptoms which is remarkable.  So once again, I am grateful to be able to go the extra mile for my furry faces and buy Steve’s.”

Little-Big Adam

“No more Tears (Stains): 5 years ago we switched our 3yearOld Male Bichon’s diet to Steve’s & were pleasantly surprised when the TearStains eventually dissapeared completely. We switched from expensive Kibble in a SUCCESSFUL attempt to control gall/bladder stones. Now @8 years old, yearly x-rays show NO MORE STONES and an added bonus of a Healthy, Happy, Energetic TearStainFree Bichon.”

Lalla & Katie, California

“We recently found your product at Anaheim Feed where we go for pet grass and thought we’d try some on our very finicky Blk. Pomeranian, Katie. She has been such a problem when it comes to feeding and we have tried dry and canned, but she never went at her food like she really enjoyed it as much as she would the cats’ plates. She LOVES your chicken for dogs! She tells us when she’s hungry now and we split the helpings so that she gets fed once in the am and once in the pm. She’s more active and has lost some unhealthy weight and her coat is more beautiful then ever! She also IGNORES a cat plate if it happens to be on the floor because she knows when they get fed, she will get her food also. Also, she has a LOT of hair and has always slept on frozen floor tiles and cold things when our days are hot, she loves your food when its still a bit frozen. We cut it up into smaller pieces and she gobbles it down and licks that plate!

Thanks so much for putting this product out there!”

Tom S., Richland, WA
“Last March our dog, Mei, had what vets believe was a heart attack. X-Rays reveal an enlarged heart. She is taking Pimobendan, digoxin, enalapril, and furosemide. We also have syringes of liquid furosemide for when her cough gets really bad. We were using about 10 syringes every 45 days. Last month we began feeding her Steve’s Real Food (Beef) and for the last 2-3 weeks she has not coughed and we haven’t had the need to inject her with additional furosemide. This time we have purchased the turkey but have not as yet fed her.

The only significant change that she has had is that we started feeding her Steve’s Real Food. I’ve passed this on to my vet and she wanted the info on the dog food which I just emailed to her. I thought I would let you know this. If your product is indeed the catalyst in her better health I’d like to thank you.

P.S. Mei is a 10 1/2 year old female beagle.”

Staci J., San Rafael, CA

“Thank You For being here!

I have a Canaan Dog (Isreali Desert Dog) who is 4 years old.
I started him out on the highest quality dog food I could find but he had a ton of intestinal issues his whole first year. We racked up vet bills and he ended up in the emergency doggie hospital with an IV twice that year.When his vet told me that ‘this is just one of those dogs that will need to be on antibiotics for his whole life,’ I got the hell out of there and went straight to a holistic vet who told me that this dog needs raw food.From the moment that I made him his first raw meat meal, he looked at me as if I finally got it and we never needed to see the vet again.
This breed is a natural breed from Isreal and was just domesticated in the 1960’s. It makes sense that the highly processed food I was originally trying to feed him was completely wrong for him.

My dog recently quit eating the boring raw food diet that I prepared for him for the past 2 or 3 years (which was always the same and not quite balanced I assure you). I put him on several different high quality kibble while I went back to the drawing board to figure out what next.
I ran into your food at Whole Foods in San Rafael. My dog (quite the finicky cat-like dog) absolutely loves it and he looks even more beautiful than before.He’s happy, looks healthy and has more energy and I am saving time and wasting a lot less food.

Thank you thank you thank you

Please stay with the commitment to provide the highest quality food you can possibly get so my dog can live longer and we can be friendlier to the earth.”

Tammy B., Charlotte, NC

“We would like to express our gratitude to Steve’s Real Food. Here’s our story. Our 2 yr. old Black Lab, Shiloh has inhalant and contact allergies. Our holistic Vet here in Charlotte, NC recommended Steve’s Real Food-Beef. Her skin cleared up after about 2 weeks on the food, her scratching is minimal, shedding normal, stool is healthy and her coat is extremely shiny. We went on vacation to Florida this Spring and took a popular canned food instead of the Steve’s and within 3 days her skin had a rash, she was scratching, her stool was terrible and she was shedding again. We were very sorry for our decision not to find a way to transport the Steve’s frozen food.

We started Shiloh back on Steve’s food immediately and in a week or so she was back to normal again. Her skin healed very quickly which amazed us. The only thing we changed was her food and our vet told us all her patients do very well on the Steve’s food. Shiloh loves the food and cleans her bowl so that it shines so apparently she doesn’t want to miss a morsel. Thanks again Steve’s, you have made all our lives much easier and Shiloh’s much more comfortable.”

From Laura J., Wayzata, Minnesota

“I have a very picky 1.5 y.o. female Shiba Inu. She isn’t a big eater to being with, and tends to be on the thin side. After kenneling her for 10days at a no cage kennel, she was burning off all of the calories she was taking in. Needless to say, she came back about 5lbs lighter. It has been a constant battle finding kibble that she likes, and I have tried EVERYTHING. I was given samples of your raw food from a local store. I fed it to her and she loved it! I have had her on the food for a little over a week, and she is looking better than ever! She dives into the food, and gets really excited when she sees me pull the bag out of the freezer. Thank you so much for making a food that my picky girl will eat!”

From Jon A., Georgetown, Massachusetts

“We have two retired greyhounds both age are 9 years old. Our male was very ill for two years with stomach upsets, etc. We thought we were going to lose him. So , I got on the Internet and found you. He recouped in one month after eating the frozen nuggets. Our vet was amazed by the results.
We then started our female on it, she had terrible food allergies. Within two weeks we notice no more scratching, tummy rumbles and no more red eye. We threw out the kibble and only use your product mixed with veggies and oatmeal. They love it! Thank you.”

From Laurel N., Cornelius Oregon

“Hi there, I don’t have a question but I do have a comment. We bought a little cock-a-poo about a year and a half ago and she is now 10 lbs and is going to be 2 in April next year. This past year has been pure hell trying to feed her, she came to us at 12 weeks with dry dog food and once we got her she refused to eat much of it and also developed a spit-up problem. So the vet suggested canned food and I estimate that we threw away $500 worth of high-quality canned foods that she refused to eat. We started feeding her table food and the spit-up problem never went away. What a pain, she would upchuck on the bed, on the carpet, on the couch, where-ever and even though my husband and I adored her, it was getting really old. A few weeks ago she started really vomiting and it got to where she was vomiting blood, so we took her to the vet and they ran some tests and sold us some expensive dry prescription dog food and after paying almost $500 for the vet visit, she still wouldn’t eat it. Then my groomer, (the dog’s, not mine, ha ha) suggested raw foods and I found some at New Seasons market. I have had no trouble feeding her your food, she eats every morsel, and I was given a sample of Prairie brand raw food and she wouldn’t touch it. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have her eating, and doing so well. She doesn’t spit up or vomit EVER, since changing to your food. Thank you for having a product that she will not only eat, but actually LIKES! My only fear is not being able to get it from New Seasons as I’ve told so many people about the raw food diet and how well Muffin is doing, they are buying it too.

Thanks again.”

From Bonnie H.

Hi There, just wanted to drop you folks a line and tell you that your raw pet foods are wonderful. I have been using your canine raw food for about 6 months now, my little dog loves it and hope my feed store will always carry your product. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!”

From Lake Tahoe, NV

“I switched my dog, Maggie, to Steve’s Real Food after seeing one of your seminars. Since the switch Maggie (9 years old) has been doing great. Her energy and stamina have increased and her coat looks fantastic. She lost 10 pounds and comes with me mountain biking, skiing snow shoeing and hiking, and enthusiastically leaps into the air to catch her frisbee. She is getting younger before our eyes! And she can’t wait to eat.


From Guilderland, NY

“I have two Bichon Frise… the strains and allergy type reactions have subsided by using both the chicken and the turkey dinners. They love the food and are voracious when it comes to meal time.

From Flasch’s Cockers, WI

“My dogs (and I) really enjoy your food! They really love the taste. I mix it with kibble and have seen an improvement in their skin and coat in just a short time. I thought the change from regular dog food to (a leading premium brand) was enough until I started adding your food to the diet as well. Everything is looking good! (And when you are showing a coated breed it REALLY makes a difference!)


From Los Gatos, CA

“Sam is a white Toy Poodle. He developed food allergies two years ago, starting a real nightmare of testing and searching for a cure for his constant face scratching that caused bleeding and weepy lesions. We tried everything! I bought your turkey formula thinking it couldn’t do any harm. Within one week, Sam’s itching seemed relieved. And now, four weeks later, there is a dramatic improvement. Please do not change or improve your diets; this is working for us.”

From Bark University

“I wanted to feed my dogs something that would keep them from getting sick.  They are getting older ( six and eight ) and I worry about their health.  Steve’s Real Food combined with Nature’s Select Kibble not only is keeping them healthy, they are acting like puppies again.  That is not an exaggeration!!  They run around in the back yard like they are on their way to a fire!  It’s so much fun to watch them, and now I know they are getting the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy.

Thanks for all your help and I will be calling you in the next couple of days for my next order.

Connie of Phoenix, AZ”

Via email

“I can’t tell you how happy I am with your food! My dog absolutely loves it! He stares up at the freezer wagging his tail. He isn’t experiencing his digestive problem. His coat is shinier and his skin is back to normal.”

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