The Benefits of a Raw Food Diet for Cats and Dogs

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Episode 4 – You’ve Got to Admit It’s Getting Better

(This post will focus mostly on the observable benefits of feeding a raw diet, but if you’re into the science and mechanics of why raw food works, check out this blog post for some seriously science-y information.)

Raw feeders often refer to the many observable benefits that feeding a raw diet has had on their pet’s health and well-being. The list of benefits can get pretty long and involved, but you can bet your bologna that we are going to go through (most) of them here. First of all, while you can definitely start seeing the effects of a raw diet on your pet’s health pretty quickly, it won’t happen overnight. You’ll probably notice gradual changes at first, but before you know it, you will have a new pet on your hands. Generally speaking, you will notice many changes about a month into feeding your pet raw, so keep a lookout!

So what changes will I start Seeing?

Poop — you’ll notice your pet poos less, and when it does happen it’s drier, smaller, and less smelly.

Allergiesallergy symptoms can be lessened or even completely alleviated. A reduction in inflammation and histamines mean less redness, hot spots, itchy ears and paws, and weepy eyes.

Weight managementif your pet is on the heavy side, expect to see her trim down. If she’s active and can’t keep weight on, you’ll see it’s easy to “add some meat” pretty quickly.

Muscle developmentlean muscle mass is easy to build, which in turn can help support weak joints or other skeletal issues.

Dental healthyour pet will have healthier gums and teeth with less plaque build-up, and some of that bad breath will go away.

Skin and Coatwill be healthy and shiny without flaky skin and excessive shedding.

Cognitive functionessential fatty acids promote brain health which can help improve focus and the pet’s ability to learn new things.

Energyyour pet will have the energy for long walks, play sessions, or training/work.

Pest mitigationfleas and ticks don’t tend to hang around raw-fed pets as often as they do around pets who are fed other diets.

This is a very basic overview of some of the health benefits raw food provides, but be sure to check back in as we will be going over each topic a little more in depth in future posts!

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