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Giving Thanks With Our Pets

Dog in turkey hat with autumn leaves falling
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Gobble Gobble, it is almost Turkey day! At Steve’s Real Food we are thankful for many things, especially our pets which is why we want to share some helpful tips, and fun facts for you and your pets for this lovely holiday.

Quick Fact:

Thanksgiving is the number 1 holiday for emergency vet visits. This is due to pets getting some of the turkey dinners which has cooked bones, high fat, and many spices that can be very harmful to pets. The best way to have your pet enjoy this holiday is to have some Steve’s Real Food Turkey or Turducken diet. 

Pumpkin Spice Goat Yogurt:


4oz of Goat Milk

1 Tablespoon of pumpkin (make sure it is 100% pumpkin)

½  teaspoon of cinnamon


Mix all ingredients into a bowl thoroughly

Either poor into some ice cube molds and freeze or give as a yummy topper for your pets food

Do you feel like taking a cat nap after a large Turkey dinner? Watch this video to figure out why! 

Take our FREE online learning course on raw feeding your pets!

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