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Introduction to GMO’s & Pet Food

Person shucking corn cob

If you are the type of person who is feeding (or considering feeding) raw pet food, you probably are already conscious of the effect nutrition can have on your pet.  Nutrition is the foundation of why raw diets work – raw food is unspoiled by processing and heat, allowing it to retain as many nutrients […]

Pets with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Dog and cat laying together

Are you noticing rapid weight loss in your pet? Does your cat or dog vomit often? While these symptoms could present in an array of conditions, they are prevalent in pets with an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is in most cases the primary cause of prolonged diarrhea and vomiting in dogs and cats. Pets […]

How to Sniff Out Quality Pet Food

Closeup photo of dog's snout

It can be a mystifying experience trying to pick the right food for your dog. TV and print ads are often misleading. Package labels can be so lengthy and confusing that it can be very hard to figure out what you’re buying. And, your dog may be a bit of a finicky eater. Now what? […]