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Is a Raw Diet Healthy for a Puppy?

Four puppies eating and standing around a food dish
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Just like babies, puppies grow rapidly during the first few months of their lives, and a proper diet provides the necessary nutrients to meet their needs. This developmental stage needs to be well fueled for a healthy pup. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of a puppy being fed an AAFCO-approved, commercially-prepared raw pet food.

Just like babies, puppies grow rapidly during the first few months of their lives, and a proper diet provides the necessary nutrients to meet their needs. This developmental stage needs to be well fueled for a healthy pup. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of a puppy being fed an AAFCO-approved, commercially-prepared raw pet food.

Why Raw Feed Puppies?

Feeding your puppy on a commercial raw diet comes with an impressive list of benefits.

 What Age Can I Introduce Raw Food to My Puppy?

You can start giving your puppy raw food as you are weaning them at about 8 to 12 weeks. When starting a puppy on a raw diet, the most common worry among pet owners is the number of microbes raw food comes with when it comes to your puppy. It is wise to note that dirt or the environment around us contains billions of microbes that puppies have access to all around us. The study also shows that giving the mom raw food before the puppies are born improves the quality of the puppy when it comes to immunity, growth, and health. Access to these not only helps your pup improve the immune system but make it possible to handle raw food.

How to Transition from Weaning to Raw Feeding?

It is recommended to gradually introduce raw food to a puppy that has been eating processed food slowly. Transitioning them from dry to raw food can be done for about 1-6 weeks. The general recommendation is to start with ¼ of raw food and ¾ of their previous food. Monitor the stools of your companions, and as long as they stay nice and firm and no diarrhea is present, you can continue to slowly add more and reduce the amount of the previous food until the process is complete. Solid stool means that the puppy is responding well to the raw food and a more significant portion can be added.  Loose stool is an indicator that you need to cut back a little on the raw food until the stomach gets used to it and then resume the regiment after a couple of days.

What Does a Puppy Need for Healthy Growth?

Small breed puppies may need up to 10% of their weight per day in food, especially if they are active.  Large breed puppies may need 4-8% of their weight per day. Every dog has a different metabolism, and suggestions for how much to feed are based on averages. Your dog is unique and may require less or more than suggested to maintain an ideal body condition.

*The information below was obtained from the National Research Council. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats. National Academies Press, 2007.


Proteins are one of the main requirements for growth and are made of complex strings of amino acids. Fat provides essential fatty acids and energy.


Vitamins and Micronutrients are critical when it comes to converting proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into more available forms in the body. They are also responsible for catalytic reactions that enable faster healthy conversions. Click to read the AAFCO Dog and Cat food requirement for micronutrients.

Provide Pets Proper Nutrition in Every Stage of Life

Steve’s Real Food is commercial raw pet food that is complete and balanced for all life stages. Our foods exceed AAFCO dog and cat food requirements to ensure that your pup or kitten gets all the nutritional elements from raw food. Scientifically formulated raw pet food diet is one of the best ways to ensure that your best friend stays healthy and enjoys a long life.

Take our FREE online learning course on raw feeding your pets!

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