German Shepherd With Digestive Issues
I got a six-year-old German Shepherd after she retired from breeding. She had been on kibble. I tried for 8 months with DIY feeding (after much research), food intolerance testing, supplements, and nothing worked. She still had digestive issues daily. I finally went to the frozen raw and the pork and whitefish were an overnight […]
Choosing the Best Dog Food: Why Fresh, Raw Ingredients Make All the Difference
As a pet parent, you want to feed your dog the best food. But what is the best dog food? In this blog, we’ll look at what factors make an ideal food for dogs and what to look for (and avoid) when choosing the best dog food. The Downside of Processing in Kibble Kibble has […]
Pomeranian With Alopecia
My six year old Pomeranian, Poppy, was experiencing alopecia in April 2024. The veterinarian asked if she’s allergic to anything and yes, since she was a puppy, she threw up chicken. The food I was giving her had chicken by products in it. She seemed to be OK with the chicken byproducts. However, the veterinarian […]