“I foster dogs for French Bulldog Rescue Network (FBRN), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing French bulldogs in need. I would like to share the story of one of my recent foster dogs, Mambo.

The Cost to Feed Raw Pet Food

One of the biggest hurdles that keeps pet parents from a transitioning to a raw diet is the cost. It is no secret that a commercially made raw dog food is more expensive than kibble. But when everything is factored together, how much are you really saving by buying kibble? Let’s take a look at exactly how much in this blog by Nicole Lindsley.


The wait is over on the diagnostic tests, and yes it confirms our worst fear for our dog: definitive diagnosis is CANCER. These tests will also tell us what type and grade of cancer our pet has. There are many types of cancer, but according to Veterinary Oncologists, some of the most common types are:


Cancer describes diseases involving the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells within the body. These cells are able to invade other tissues, spreading to other parts of the body through the blood and lymphatic systems. If caught early cancer may not be a life threatening illness; however, if left undetected the abnormal cells can spend to vital organs shutting down your pets system and eventually leading to death

Transitioning a Sensitive Dog

The stools have solidified more again. The loose stool last night was only to be expected as he got his first taste of something different for the first time. Today I took the meat and smashed it up with a fork and spread it on his plate, and topped it with the Goat yogurt. No real need to do this, but it takes him longer to eat so psychologically I feel like he gets more out of it.

Win a ticket to Dogs Natually NCHS

The Natural Canine Healthy Symposium is a four day online event where presenters will cover topics from Canine Cancer to Herbal Healing. As a attendee you will also have access to the Facebook group where you can ask the holistic community questions and participate in the conversation.

FDA Update On Chicken Jerky Treats

Today the FDA released an update to their Chicken Jerky treat investigation. They still do not know the cause but are asking for help from the veterinarian community by requesting that lab testing be submitted to their database. They continue to investigate the Chinese chicken supplies to try to determine potential sources of contamination. The update includes the current tally of sick and diseased pets:

New Ingredient in All Diets

Steve’s Real Food recently made a major re-formulation to our raw dog food. We removed all our synthetic vitamins and added some really exciting ingredients such as coconut oil. We love coconut oil for its multitudes of health benefits.

Sea Salt vs Table Salt in Raw Dog Food

A while back a friend and I were having a healthy argument about salt and sea salt. My friend is the nutritionally versed but not neurotic type of person. He believes that there is a lot of hype out there and people are getting duped into spending more money on products because they are “Natural”. I do not disagree with this. The term natural is not regulated and can is now being put on just about every product. I even saw an “All Natural” raw chicken breast at the grocery store that was clearly a cage raised bird dripping with hormones and antibiotics, but because they did not add any synthetic chemicals to it, it was “All Natural”.

Know Your GMO

There is an heath food issue that is not discussed often enough. We all know that organic is better because it does not have toxic pesticides, but we forget to mention that it is also not grown from GMO seeds.