Maple the Cattle Dog Mix

Maple is an 11 month old cattle dog mix. When we first brought her home, she decided she wanted nothing to do with dry, store-bought kibble. Our vet had deemed her underweight and we started her on a journey of feeding alternative puppy food. We started with something I nickednamed “bologna for dogs” because it […]

Benefits of Rotational Feeding

Is your pet a picky eater? Consider rotational feeding! This dietary strategy provides a diverse range of proteins, fruits, vegetables, and grains to ensure your pet’s overall well-being. Rotational feeding not only prevents picky eating behaviors but also contributes to a healthy gut microbiome, stronger immune system, and reduced risk of developing food sensitivities. With gradual transitions and regular changes, rotational feeding can keep mealtime exciting for your furry friend while promoting their overall health. Learn more about the benefits of rotational feeding and how to implement it with our helpful tips.


Dog with worried face

This guest post was written by Jody L. Teiche, Pet Health Expert & Pet Parent Coach with over 30 years of experience using homeopathy to heal pets naturally.

How to Train Your Dog When Feeding a Raw Diet

Dog laying on floor with bag of dog food looking a full dish of food

If you’re feeding your dog a raw diet, you invest too much in keeping them healthy to feed them junk food, even for the sake of training them… and with our creative tips, you won’t have to! Lifestyle Habits Being professional dog trainers, we look at it as not only an activity but a way […]

Benefits of White Fish Food for Dogs

Small dog looking up at plate of food

Have you ever considered adding fish to your dog’s diet? If not, maybe it’s time to consider the many benefits of feeding a dog food with fish in it.

Join Steve’s Real Food at the Raw Dog Food Summit: Oct 7-9

Just as processed food has contributed to human health issues, processed pet foods are doing the same for our beloved dogs. Chronic conditions such as cancer, obesity, allergies, and diabetes in dogs today are skyrocketing.

The big question then becomes, well, what can we do about it? Just like with humans, the solution is a natural, species-appropriate diet.