Sustainability in Pet Food Packaging

Five different bags of raw frozen pet food

As a company whose logo states clearly that we care about not only our pets but also about the ground they walk on, we have made many innovative changes to move more in the direction of sustainability.

Sustainably marketed products have been driving growth and did not stall during COVID but instead saw a steady increase with no signs of slowing. Much of this growth has focused on a younger generation that puts an emphasis on sustainable, reusable, and recyclable materials.


At Steve’s, we are adapting quickly to keep up with demand and stay safe. We hope that everyone practices their social distancing and remembers to keep laughing. We will get through this even if the end result is a new norm.

Steve’s High Pressure Technology Please click the link below for more details about our HPT decision and test results. Do you want more information on the HPT Study?

Keep Your Cat’s Hairballs Under Control

Close up photo of a cat licking it's paw

Most cats will occasionally throw up a hairball. However, if you find yourself cleaning up these unpleasant wads of hair more often than once or twice a year, your cat may be at risk of health problems like intestinal blockages. Here’s what you need to know about hairballs.

Emu Gotta Hear About This!

Two Emus standing in grass

Why emu, you ask? Let’s take a closer look at the flightless “bird” to see why it is such a good choice for your pets.

Tips for Traveling with Your Dog in the Car

A small dog sitting in a carrier in the back seat of an automobile

Taking your furry friend on vacation is an exciting experience as you get to explore new places and spend some quality time with him. In this post, we share useful safety tips when traveling with your dog.

Don’t Go Breakin’ (Your Dog’s) Heart

A dog with a stethoscope around it's neck in the Vet's office

Dilated Cardiomyopathy is a pretty frightening word, and certainly not one you want to hear associated with the health of your beloved canine. Understand the issue and what you as a pet parent can do to make sure the condition doesn’t affect your dogs.