Bad Breath in Dogs: What Every Pet Owner Should Know
Is dog's bad breath a sign of dental issues? Learn why kibble worsens bad breath & how raw supports healthy teeth.
Is dog's bad breath a sign of dental issues? Learn why kibble worsens bad breath & how raw supports healthy teeth.
Discover essential tips on feeding puppies for optimal health and vitality. Learn about the best food choices, transitioning, general feeding tips, and tailoring feeding plans based on breed size....
gut health is one of the most critical aspects of overall health. With over 70% of your pet's immune system residing in their digestive tract, one of the most...
We have spent 2 years evaluating different options for our food safety program, from test-and-hold procedures to pathogen-targeted probiotic sprays, to HPP. We have decided to use HPP for...
You’re at your local independent pet retailer to pick up cat food. These days you don’t bother with dry kibble and speed past it straight to the canned food,...
It’s undeniable; dogs and cats have captured the hearts of millions. Whether you pair ‘em together or think of them as opposites, the two undoubtedly go hand in hand....
Walk into any health food store, or shop the natural food section of your local grocer and you will find many products that contain chia seeds. They are sold...
Dogs have both a physical and psychological need to chew. If not provided with a safe, approved chewing option, they will seek out and find things that we may...
My cat is fine, he drinks a lot of water”. I have heard this so many times when I bring up cats and their unique need for moisture in...
Why emu, you ask? Let’s take a closer look at the flightless “bird” to see why it is such a good choice for your pets.
Steve's Real Food
2034 E. Fort Union Blvd
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121
United States
Call or Text: 801-432-7478