Episode 1 – What is Raw Food

Have you been hearing more about this “raw food” thing for pets? Maybe a neighbor or friend feeds raw and you’ve been curious. Maybe you’ve seen it in the store but don’t know enough about it to commit yet. Maybe you’d like a few questions answered before you’re ready to give it a try. Whatever […]

Taylor’s Arthritis

Dog laying on floor with tennis ball in mouth

Here is an e-mail that comes to us from Pahrump, Nevada. Taylor is participating in our veterinary feeding trial. We have given Taylor 60 days worth of free food while he is being supervised by his veterinarian for arthritis. “Taylor just had his 30 day check up with Dr. Henseler last Saturday. I’m pleased with […]

Hope’s Story

Dog sitting in car

Here is a letter that came to us from Longwood, Florida. Not only is diet important for maintaining health, but as Kathy’s letter shows, diet can be a valuable tool for overcoming disease and illness.“My name is Kathy Cochran and I do Sheltie Rescue in Longwood, Florida. I thought you might be interested to know […]

Stomach Upset 9-Year-Old Greyhounds

Two dog sitting on a beanbag chair

“We have two retired greyhounds both age are 9 years old. Our male was very ill for two years with stomach upsets, etc. We thought we were going to lose him. So , I got on the Internet and found you. He recouped in one month after eating the frozen nuggets. Our vet was amazed […]

Shiba Inu Picky Eater

Dog standing on grass

“I have a very picky 1.5 y.o. female Shiba Inu. She isn’t a big eater to begin with and tends to be on the thin side. After kenneling her for 10 days at a no-cage kennel, she was burning off all of the calories she was taking in. Needless to say, she came back about […]

Innovations in Pet Food

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Why Cats Need Raw Food

Cats are weird. It takes only one internet search of “funny cats” to see just how weird they are. But there’s no doubt about it—we love them dearly. Because we love our cats so darn much, it makes sense that we would want to extend their lives for as long as possible, and one of the most effective ways to do so is through a good diet. But with so many different kinds of cats foods on the market, how do you know which is best?

Convincing the Stubborn

Cats don’t always do what we want them to. Actually, they rarely do what we want them to, especially when it comes to their food. Many times, introducing a new food becomes a frustrating battle-of-wills, with the finicky cat often coming out on top. We seem to be always at the whim of whatever our cats decide they want to eat at the moment, trying to keep up with their changing tastes and preferences.

New Enhance Products

PurrGurt is our newest addition to the Enhance product line! It starts with whole raw krill and salmon oil to tantalize the taste buds and then adds in a herbal cockTAIL that helps balance the PH in the urinary tract system. This product is perfect for both CATS and Dogs with stones, crystals, urinary tract problems. We finish off this amazing treat with L-lysine to help boost your pet’s delicate immune system.